Fertility Clinic seeing 1,000 new patients a year loses over $1,000,000
Do you know how many REI hours per year you’re spending on patients that don’t convert to treatment? See how the Embie Connected Care Model can help transform these losses into more successful cycles.
In This Report You'll learn
- 23 KPI Metrics for REI Benchmarks
- Expected Conversion Rates from First referral to IVF cycle
- How many cycles are lost per REI to your tech stack
- Average REI appt time and hours lost
- What it means for lost Revenue?
- How Efficiency Can Be Improved
Download REI Appointment Metrics Report
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“This model reveals a surprisingly high 400+ hours of valuable REI time that is lost or “wasted” in an average clinic, seeing new patients who either require multiple visits before starting treatment or do not need or convert to IVF. Now some REIs consider this lost time as a necessary cost of doing business, but it doesn’t have to be, and instead can be reclaimed to see many more patients who want to start treatment now.